Thursday, 7 January 2010

Storyboard for evaluation video

I went through my notes, had a look at the trailer and concluded the script on the previous post and then wrote this storyboard.

1. Me telling audience 'welcome' - the intro
2. Directors commentary
3. Me again - overview of how I challenged and conformed
4. Talking over a table overview of this
5. Say next question. Answer. 'I thought it was...', 'I wanted to...'
6. Bring in pictures of each one (magazine, trailer screenshot, poster). Explain each individually of how they helped each other.
7. Audience feedback. Ask someone next to me a question and demonstrate method.
8. Show figures on screen in tables or graphs and elaborate.
9. Show changes on screen due to audience feedback. 'Without audience feedback, I would not have done...'
10. Technologies. Photo's of film set from folder 'Random and media'. 'Here's me using...', 'This is a... It had the purpose of...'
11. Thanks for watching.

Throughout use unedited clips taken when filming that were either used or not used as evidence of process and to back up points made by me in the evaluation.

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