I created a short presentation to summarise possible ways to answer the questions for it. Here are my notes:
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Comparison to similar products.
Directors commentary on the trailer, video slideshow with commentary on my magazine and poster with comparisons to real products, i.e. Similarities and differences.
Challenging and Conforming
Public interest – horror is popular genre
Murder is popular convention of horror
Stalker is not
Mostly in point of view of killer – not typical
Woman as the protaganist
Using an institution logo at the beginning
Length of film typical of film teaser trailers as researched
To relate to the audience, I integrated technology and young adult interests (target audience): Mobile phone, laptop...
Used creepy music
Didn’t have an overhead voice
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
The trailer with the magazine and the poster
Promotional purposes of the latter two
The poster enhances different ideas about the trailer, backing up certain ones: horror, blood, being watched, fear etc.
Magazine reveals the misogynist and so this brings it back to being fictional
Has the effect of reveal certain details about the film with each product: Main story in the trailer, genre and action (such as murder) in the poster and reality, focusing on the stars of the film, in the magazine
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Feedback gained along the way of processing my product
How did it help me?
How could it be improved?
Do they feel it achieved what I was trying?
Without telling the audience, ask them to tell me what they expect the storyline to be? To cliché?
Good or bad? Different or samey?
4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Camera, boom mic (for audio tape to integrate into film), set lighting (for creating moonlight effects etc.)
iMovieHD for creating my film
Adobe Photoshop for creating my title, manipulating images and making backgrounds
Adobe Fireworks for manipulating images and titles
Blog for recording my progress and evidence of planning and research and construction
Publisher for creating my magazine
I will now produce a short questionnaire, asking what people believe is the best way to evaluate my film, trailer and poster.
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